Wednesday, October 27, 2010

7 Sinners / Helloween (2010)

1. Where the Sinners Go
2. Are You Metal?
3. Who Is Mr. Madman?
4. Raise the Noise
5. World of Fantasy
6. Long Live the King
7. The Smile of the Sun
8. You Stupid Mankind
9. If a Mountain Could Talk
10. The Sage, the Fool, the Sinner
11. My Sacrifice
12. Not Yet Today
13. Far in the Future

First, when I saw the Jacket of this album, it reminded me of "The Dark Ride". It has the same image of darkness. As I could easily imagine, their first single was very heavy and dark. (Sound-wise, they have been playing one down tuning since "Keeper of the Seven Keys: The Legacy".) It was not catchy or comical which were their unique identities. The single really made me worried.

Well, let me tell you from my final thought. This album was not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I really like this album. The first couple of songs are kind of weak. However, from the third song, there are many good songs. I particularly like #3, 4, 5, 7, 10. #7 is a great minor-key ballad that I have been waiting for. Beautiful ballad songs are one of their great character, yet they have not written one in last several albums. This really made me happy.

Overall, as you can imagine from the jacket, the album is very dark, heavy, and fast. Yet, I was able to hear Helloween's character in the album. This album was very different from any other albums in the past. I don't know if they will keep going on the same direction or not, but I am looking for the next album.


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