Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Helloween / Helloween (2021)


Rating: 8.9/10

1. Out for the Glory
2. Fear of the Fallen
3. Best Time
4. Mass Pollution
5. Angels
6. Rise Without Chains
7. Indestructible
8. Robot King
9. Cyanide
10. Down in the Dumps
11. Orbit
12. Skyfall

First of all, if you are expecting a replication of Keepers, you will be really disappointed just because Michael and Kai returned to the band. This is not merely close to Keepers I & II. It is more like the culmination of their entire career including Helloween, Gamma Ray, Unisonic, and some of their solo stuff. You just find pieces of influence of those bands everywhere throughout the album. Unisonic, and some of their solo stuff. You just find pieces of influence of those bands everywhere throughout the album.

➀ Out for the Glory
A great opening track. Interestingly, the song instantly reminded me of “Your Time Has Come” by Unisonic even though the song iswritten by Weiki. The song is very fast and catchy. The song is one of the strongest ones by Weiki in recent years.
Dani’s drumming really stands out throughout the song. Uli was a more technical drummer than Dani in my opinion. When I listen to songs like Sole Survivor, his drumming lacks some dynamics Uli had. On the other hand, Uli often put way too many fills in the song, and it often bothers me. Meanwhile, Dani is really good at keeping pace fast and steady and the band tight. Kiske’s vocal performance is incredible!!

➁ Fear of the Fallen
This band really likes falling. Another great fast paced song. When it comes to write a fast song, Andi often has a miss rather than a hit, but this is definitely a hit!! The dual vocals are working well in the song. I also like how the song isn’t a simple fast-paced song but has a lot of dynamics and transitions.

➂ Best Time
My first impression of the song was, “This is going to be a single!!” (Which I was right about) First, I thought it was written by Kai, but it was actually by Sacha. First, I thought the backing vocal was Kai, but it was actually Sacha. When Sacha brought a demo, he was singing the vocal part. Andi liked the backing vocal done by Sacha, so he suggested Sacha to record in the studio. I think it really worked out well. He did wonderful job. I just can’t wait to hear it live!!

④ Mass Pollution
A typical Andi style metal tune! His raspy high tone really shines in this song. From the 1st line of verse, only Andi can sing and perform like this. His vocal really broadened the musical direction of the band. His contribution has been one of unique aspects of the band.

➄ Angels
A dramatic tune written by Sacha. Interestingly, it’s mostly sung by Kiske, but Andi joins in the bridge where he sings, “Angel is a liar.” The song is less than 5 minutes, but it has a lot of epic elements to it.

⑥ Rise Without Chains
Another song with full of duets. When Kiske came back, I thought he would sing higher vocal parts, but I was surprised to find out that Andi was the one taking higher parts when I saw the live in 2018. I think Kiske has higher range in regular vocal, but Andi can hit really really high notes when it comes to falsetto. Their vocal blends very well in this song. Each singer really shows his strength.

⑦ Indestructible
A typical Markus style heavy tune. He doesn’t write many songs, but he always writes a heavy song with catchy hooks. I think this song is a lesser track in this album, but it is just because the entire album is so great.

⑧ Robot King
Since The Dark Ride, Weiki has had few great hits but also few misses. But, he is unbeatable in this album!! I think this song is currently my favorite track off this album. The instrumental part in the middle reminds me of Keepers.

➈ Cyanide
Another typical Andi style metal song. Heavy riffs with catchy vocal lines. I think Andi think a lot of live performance in his writing process, otherwise there is no explanation of how he can come up with so many catchy hooks. His songs are always easy to sing along.

➉ Down in the Dumps
All of 3 Weiki’s songs are fast but very different from each other. This song sounds more like Gamma Ray to me, but it is undoubtedly Helloween. All 3 singers are doing great jobs in the song.

⑪ Orbit~⑫ Skyfall
The album closes with an epic song which happens to be the only song written by Kai. The song instantly reminded me of “Keeper of the Seven Keys” and “The King for a 1000 years” The album closes with an epic song which happens to be the only song written by Kai. The song instantly reminded me of “Keeper of the Seven Keys” and “The King for a 1000 years” the length because the song is full of transitions and dynamics. This is a perfect closer of the great album.

Overall, I was very impressed by the album. At this point of their career, they decided to step forward instead of looking back for nostalgia. The twin/triple vocals worked out great. The combination of Andi and Kiske was much better than I anticipated. Each guitarist shows their color in this album. Especially, Kai was a really mission piece of the band. He is not the most technical guitarist out there, but he is a great melody maker. Both Roland and Sacha were very technical and have strength in their styles, but no one could replace Kai’s melodic solo. I’m so happy to hear his great melody in Helloween. I highly recommend this album!

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