Friday, August 13, 2010

The Final Frontier / Iron Maiden (2010)

1. Satellite 15... The Final Frontier
2. El Dorado
3. Mother Of Mercy
4. Coming Home
5. The Alchemist
6. Isle Of Avalon
7. Starblind
8. The Talisman
9. The Man Who Would Be King
10. When The Wild Wind Blows

The last album, "A Matter of Life and Death", was a great album and really condensed the essence of Iron Maiden, but it was not very commercial friendly. The complicated song progression required listener's patience and time to comprehend the whole album. I was really interested in what direction they were going to take next. Finally, this album was released. I was very curious but not worried. Iron Maiden is one of few bands that I know they would release what fans expect every time. This band is one of few "safe" brands.

The album consists of two major parts. The first parts reminded me of their early career. The second parts consists of progressive songs.   Tracks 1 through 5 have the feeling of the time of New Wave Of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM). The lead single features cool gallop riff. This gallop riff used be their forte. Adrian Smith said on some music magazine before that the band intentionally did not play gallop riffs because they overused it in the past. However, every time I hear the band playing gallop riffs, it makes me feel really comfortable. This is one of their identity. The first 5 songs have good aggression and catchy melody. Track 4 reminds me of songs such as "Tears Of Dragon" (Bruce Solo) and "Out Of The Shadows". Bruce sang this beautiful melody line very emotionally. Track 5 can be included in any of their first 5 albums. It has good guitar harmony and aggression.

Then, the album goes to the second part which is very magnificent and dramatic. The amazing thing about this band is that some of their songs are very long but never bore me. It always comes with surprise and dramatic progression. From tracks 6 to 10, the album ran so fast. This is the one and only Iron Maiden. Each member showed great musicianship in each songs. Bruce Dickinson still keeps strong vocal. It is almost a miracle of human kind! Nicko plays likeNicko. His drum play is so unique and creates good groove even in progressive songs. Guitars and bass guitar make good ensembles.  

They showed their dignity once again and prove themselves that they were one of pioneers of heavy metal. There are some promising bands in metal scene, and they have energized the scene, yet this band is still way above them.


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