Monday, January 24, 2005

Aeronautics / Masterplan (2005)

1. Crimson Rider
2. Back For My Life
3. Wounds
4. I'm Not Afraid
5. Headbanger's Ball Room
6. After This War
7. Into The Arena
8. Dark From The Dying
9. Falling Sparrow
10. Back In The Burn

The last album was a high quality metal album, but the most of the songs were written before they had a permanent vocal. Therefore, they did not write songs anticipating Jorn singing, so this album is the first one they made as a band. Jorn's strength lies on low to mid-range voice. This album features his voice well. 

As I mentioned before, what makes this band unique and not a typical power metal band is Jorn's voice. The lead single, track 2, is a heavy and slow yet very dramatic and features Jorn's voice well. The only typical melodic power metal song, track 3, sounds bit strange in this album even though the song itself is good. I think the highlight of this album is track 4. It is very powerful, and the minor melody really matches with Jorn's voice. The same thing can applies to tracks 6 and 9. When Jorn sings minor melody, it sounds much more sad than other singers. The progressive number, track 10, is very dramatic and cool as well.

This album does not have as much impact as the last album, but they featured Jorn's voice better this time, and the band became tighter this time.


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