Monday, January 9, 2006

Inhuman Rampage / DragonForce (2006)

1. Through The Fire And Flames
2. Revolution Deathsquad
3. Storming The Burning Fields
4. Operation Ground And Pound
5. Body Breakdown
6. Cry For Eternity
7. The Flame Of Youth
8. Trail Of Broken Hearts

The last album was a big step up for this band. However, this album had even a bigger impact than the last time. When I listened to track 1 on YouTube, I got big goose bumps. This song was not comparable to any songs in the last album. They have not changed their music direction, yet the band was on a completely different degree. I felt that their musical talents fully came to bloom. The band became much tighter, and song arrangement and progression was way more dramatic.

From track 1, the band kept their faith in their music style. Except track 8, they never slow down. However, this album was really easy to listen to entirely. It is largely due to their arrangement skill. Each song has good progression and does not make you feel the length of it. I can say this band was truly refined in this album.

I think this album was a statement from the band. They finally won fame in the U.S. and many other places around the world with this album. I think their musical journey came to one of the climax with this album.


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